Did Machine Gun Kelly & Hailee Steinfeld take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Machine Gun Kelly & Hailee Steinfeld

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Unlocking the Vocal Secrets of Machine Gun Kelly & Hailee Steinfeld

Both Machine Gun Kelly (MGK) and Hailee Steinfeld have captivated audiences worldwide, not just with their acting prowess but also through their distinctive musical talents. Their journey to vocal excellence is a blend of natural talent, formal training, and continuous practice.

Machine Gun Kelly's Vocal Journey

Machine Gun Kelly, known for his rapid-fire lyrical prowess, ventured into singing, showcasing his versatility. While there's limited information on formal singing lessons, MGK's evolution as a singer suggests a combination of self-teaching and professional guidance. Aspiring singers can find their authentic voice by experimenting with different genres, as MGK did, moving from rap to rock and punk-infused music.

Hailee Steinfeld's Path to Singing Success

Hailee Steinfeld, on the other hand, has had a more traditional route. With a background in performing arts, Hailee likely received vocal training during her early acting career, which was evident in her role in "Pitch Perfect 2". For singers looking to refine their skills, exploring structured singing courses can provide a solid foundation in vocal techniques.

Practical Advice for Aspiring Singers

Both artists underscore the importance of continuous learning and practice. Utilizing tools such as the Vocal Range Test and the Pitch Training Game can help singers assess their abilities and improve pitch accuracy. Furthermore, practicing with exercises for vibrato and growling, can add uniqueness to your singing style.

To achieve vocal resilience like MGK or Hailee, incorporating daily breathing exercises and understanding the importance of vocal health are crucial. Both artists showcase the power of versatility, emotional delivery, and the continuous pursuit of growth in their music.


Machine Gun Kelly and Hailee Steinfeld's musical journeys highlight the diversity of paths to vocal mastery. Whether through formal training, self-exploration, or a blend of both, success lies in dedication, practice, and utilizing the right resources, such as those offered by Singing Carrots.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

Singing Lessons for Absolute Beginners